
May Stock Market Recap

2023-05-11T15:30:21-04:00June 4th, 2021|Blog, Inflation, Investments|

May Stock Market Recap By: Stacey Nickens Just as April showers have brought about the growth of May flowers, so has reopening and COVID vaccine distribution brought about the growth of the American economy. In May, we saw additional evidence that the United States is showing strong economy growth, exhibiting many of the metrics [...]

Investing During Periods of Inflation

2023-05-11T15:31:19-04:00May 17th, 2021|Blog, Inflation, Investments|

Investing During Periods of Inflation By: Stacey Nickens I logged onto my computer this morning, and the first headline to pop up read, "Is inflation set to soar this summer?" Investors have become increasingly concerned that inflation is on the rise, and these worries have been exacerbated by the Fed's changing policies around inflation. [...]

Understanding the Fed’s New Inflation Goals

2023-01-31T15:16:49-05:00August 31st, 2020|Blog, Inflation|

Understanding the Fed's New Inflation Goals By: Stacey Nickens In August, the Federal Reserve announced that they may allow inflation to rise slightly above its 2% target to compensate for years with depressed inflation rates. This move is a shift from the Fed's inflation targeting practices, where the Fed would reduce stimulus or increase interest [...]