Estate Planning

Gifting Cash To Reduce Your Estate Taxes

2023-05-11T15:17:57-04:00December 3rd, 2021|Blog, Estate Planning, Financial Planning|

Gifting Cash To Reduce Your Estate Taxes By: Stacey Nickens The giving season is upon us, and you may be sifting through magazines, trying to figure out what to give your relatives. Instead of buying your grandson his fifth pair of headphones, those with highly-valued estates might consider giving cash this holiday season. Doing [...]

3 Common Mistakes People Make When Claiming Social Security

2023-05-11T15:27:45-04:00July 16th, 2021|Blog, Estate Planning, Financial Planning, Retirement|

3 Common Mistakes People Make When Claiming Social Security By: Margaret Nickens Social Security helps many Americans fund their retirement, but sorting through all of the different claiming strategies and rules can be challenging. Retirees may end up claiming their Social Security benefits too early or claiming in a manner that doesn't best meet [...]

Developing an Estate Plan: Drafting a Will and Designating Powers of Attorney

2023-05-11T15:39:50-04:00November 23rd, 2020|Blog, Estate Planning|

Developing an Estate Plan: Drafting a Will and Designating Powers of Attorney By: Stacey Nickens Christmas wish lists were popularized in the late 1800s. An illustrator, Thomas Nast, published a series of pictures depicting Santa Claus reading letters from naughty and nice children. Nast later drew and published a picture of a child mailing [...]

Developing an Estate Plan: Creating a Master Directory

2023-01-31T15:20:56-05:00November 20th, 2020|Blog, Estate Planning|

Developing an Estate Plan: Create a Master Directory By: Stacey Nickens I've always been a planner. When I homeschooled my children, I loved making their daily checklists and printing those checklists on pretty, bordered stationaries. I'm known for my love of calendars and flash cards, and I've never seen I list I didn't like. However, [...]

Developing an Estate Plan: Designating a Trustee

2023-05-11T15:40:12-04:00November 3rd, 2020|Blog, Estate Planning|

Developing an Estate Plan: Designating a Trustee By: Stacey Nickens Planning for the end of your life can be emotional and challenging. However, the pandemic has shown us the importance of developing a roadmap for a variety of scenarios. In the event that you are incapacitated, having a trust can help your family and [...]

Your Fall Financial and Tax Planning Checklist

2023-01-31T15:20:56-05:00October 6th, 2020|Blog, Estate Planning|

Your Fall Financial and Tax Planning Checklist By: Stacey Nickens For me, Fall is a time to reflect on my year thus far, honor my accomplishments, and make changes to finish the year on a high note. I like to think about a few questions. What were my goals at the beginning of the year? [...]

Q & A: Should I keep my life insurance during retirement?

2023-01-31T15:20:56-05:00September 8th, 2020|Blog, Estate Planning, Insurance|

Q & A: Should I keep my life insurance during retirement? By: Stacey Nickens September is National Life Insurance Awareness Month. You might wonder if you should keep your life insurance policy in retirement. Your kids are likely out of the house, and you may no longer feel the need to insulate against the loss [...]

Financial Planning for Every Stage of Life: Retirement

2023-01-31T15:21:30-05:00November 15th, 2015|Blog, Estate Planning|

As you near retirement, it's critical that you take a comprehensive and critical look at your financial plan for the next 20-30 years. You may not have a clear picture of what your income will look during retirement, and you can't plan your expenses accordingly. Instead of waiting until the last minute, sit down with [...]